Experienced, Personalized IT Consulting

Let's build the infrastructure for your success!

About Us

Our Experience

After over 20 years in the IT industry, we decided to alter direction. We use our experience to help clients and employees be successful. Our ramp up process is designed to empower your technical team and outfit you with the tools they need to excel. 

Ask us about:

  • Hardware (computer, server, networking) and software refreshes/upgrades
  • Physical server and workstations to virtual migrations (P2V)
  • On-premises to Azure cloud migrations
  • Email setup and migrations (Exchange, Office365, Gmail)
  • Network and systems security
  • Backup scheme implementation or review (on-premises and cloud)
  • Office moves

Our Approach

Our service includes a comprehensive review to help identify gaps and opportunities within your networking, server, and PC infrastructure.

A comprehensive report that includes a suggested project plan with timelines and milestones, as well as cost analysis can be provided upon completion of the infrastructure review.  We also offer a suite of quality services that will help you reach and sustain your desired goal quickly and smoothly.

Why Us?

Business mentors are key—we are not just service providers, that’s why when it comes to client selection, we’re choosy.  It's our goal to give you the time and guidance deserved to help your company grow with the right tools.  We didn’t get here alone and you shouldn't have to navigate through IT questions and needs alone either. Reach out to us right away.